Monday: Wood Apple or Bilva leaves
A miraculous leaf with laxative properties it curbs inflammation and enhances bowel functioning. It also helps in respiratory issues like common cold and also maintains your sugar levels.
Make a concoction by boiling 5 leaves in a glass of water and consume.
Tuesday: Peppercorns
Peppercorns which come in various colours are packed with anti-oxidants. The key compound in them ‘piperine’, helps in absorption of essential nutrients like vitamins. It helps the body combat oxidative stress and pathogens. It enhances digestion and has blood pressure and cholesterol lowering properties too. Pepper is anti- inflammatory and also protects the heart. It also helps combat any cough and cold ailments and even asthma.
Make a concoction by boiling a quarter spoon of pepper corns in a glass of water and consume
Wednesday: Curry leaves
Curry leaves are rich in Vitamin A, B, C and B2 and are a good source of Iron and Calcium. Known for their aroma they are consumed in various forms in different cuisines. They are also very effective in weight loss and cholesterol regulation in the body. They ease various stomach conditions like diarrhoea, dysentery and constipation as they stimulate digestive enzymes. They eliminate bacteria and reduce oxidative damage to the body. Due to its rich mineral content like copper, iron, zinc, they protect pancreas and reduce the risk of diabetes. They improves memory and are very good for hair and skin health. They also heal skin conditions and burns too.
Make a concoction by boiling 5 curry leaves in a glass of water and consume.
Thursday: Cumin Seeds
Cumin seeds do wonders to the skin and prevents ageing. Cumin enhances
digestion, relieves stress and regulates sugar levels. A super appetizer it removes all toxins from the body.
Make a concoction by boiling a teaspoon of cumin seeds in a glass of water and consume.
Friday: Ginger
Known to have great digestive properties ginger is known to increase strength and immunity too. Many of us know how frequently it is used as an alternative medicine for common cold and flu.
It is a sure way to regulate weight, relieves pain and boost brain health too.
Make a concoction by boiling a small piece of ginger in a glass of water and consume.
Saturday: Holy Basil
Rich in anti-oxidants , Vitamin C and Vitamin K and calcium, it’s almost a super food. It aids digestion, busts stress and has great taste and aroma too. It clears skin conditions, is anti-bacterial and anti-viral and in-fact offers protection at a cellular level.
Make a concoction by boiling 5 leaves in a glass of water and consume.