Monday: Wood Apple or Bilva leaves
A miraculous leaf with laxative properties it curbs inflammation and enhances bowel
functioning. It also helps in respiratory issues like common cold and also maintains your sugar levels.
Make a concoction by boiling 5 leaves in a glass of water and consume.
Tuesday: Cinnamon
Having antimicrobial and anti-fungal properties this stick has powerful medicinal properties . It fights yeast infections and flu. It’s loaded with anti-oxidants and has anti-inflammatory properties. It is the most commonly used cure for diabetes and regulating sugar levels. It’s very good for lowering bad cholesterol in the body and thus does wonders for heart health and losing weight too. Not only does it have great taste and being rich in vitamins and minerals it is great for brain health too.
Make a concoction by boiling a small stick in a glass of water and consume.
Wednesday: Neem leaves
Neem leaves are beneficial in many ways. They have essential fatty acids and anti-oxidants and . they are helpful in treating skin conditions like acne or pimples, dandruff and some extreme cases like eczema too. When even topical application is enough for some fungal and bacterial infections, we can only imagine what it can do when consumed to keeps pathogens at bay. When consumed on empty stomach it detoxes and it increases blood circulation, regulates blood sugar and purifies blood too.
Make a concoction by boiling 2 leaves in a glass of water and consume.
Thursday: Moringa or drumstick Leaves
Now rightly known as a super food, Moringa leaves are packed with Vitamin A, Vitamin C, minerals like Calcium, Potassium and Iron and have protein and amino acids too. They boost our metabolic rate and are great for diabetes and cholesterol and weight loss. High in anti-oxidants they protects cells from damage and support brain health and keep flu away too.
Make a concoction by boiling a handful of these leaves in water and consume.
Friday: Lemon Juice
It is a wonder ingredient which helps in building immunity and promotes overall health. It aids digestion and is a great cleansing agent. It cleanses skin, blood, liver and kidneys. It improves digestion, increases metabolic rate and helps in weight loss. It lowers stress and anxiety and boosts brain health. It kills worms and balances blood sugar levels. It is a natural skin lightener and hence reduces blemishes. It prevents cold and flu and adds an amazing taste when topped on most dishes. This Vitamin C rich ingredient can be used to detox our body.
Use half a tablespoon of juice in a glass of warm water and consume.
Saturday: Holy Basil
Rich in anti-oxidants , Vitamin C and Vitamin K and calcium, it’s almost a superfood. It aids digestion, busts stress
and has great taste and aroma too. It clears skin conditions, is anti-bacterial and anti-viral and in-fact offers protection at a cellular level.
Make a concoction by boiling 5 leaves in a glass of water and consume.