Experience of Satya Subha in the words of words of Gynecologist Dr.Madhusree.
Satya subha garu Residing in the USA is an earnest devotee and disciple of Guru Mata pujyasri Aathmanandamayi Mataji. She meditates regularly with profound belief and unshaken surrenderance at the Holy feet of Guru Mata.
It is not just herself, even her elder sister Sirisha garu, her mother and their children, all of them practice sushumna kriya yoga with great belief. Both the sisters are committed volunteers of Divya Babaji sushumna Kriya yoga foundation and are blessed by Guru Mata for being instrumental in spreading sushumna Kriya yoga meditation in the US.
Satya subha was diagnosed to have septate uterus before her first pregnancy and was advised surgical resection. Apprehend to undergo surgery to uterus even before a single pregnancy, Subha dragged on, gathered all mental strength to get herself operated and saw her doctor, she tested positive for pregnancy. Septate uterus is the condition where one’s uterine cavity is divided or separated into two parts by thick wall called uterine septum. Pregnancy in septate uterus is a high risk pregnancy with many complications at every stage of pregnancy. It has both maternal and fetal complications. This condition can lead to early abortion or miscarriage. It can cause preterm delivery and also antepartum hemorrhage i.e., torrential bleeding during pregnancy. Not just that, as the septum hinders the normal position of the baby, the baby is always has an abnormal position demanding a caesarian section (operative procedure) instead of normal delivery despite being a preterm delivery. In case of a likely abortion, even the evacuation of the uterus is associated with complication of damaging the septum which can lead to uncontrolled bleeding sometimes risking the maternal life.
Caesarian section also has its complications in septate uterus. If the placenta is implanted on to the septum, it leads to heavy uncontrollable bleeding while removing placenta, sometimes to the worst scenario of even demanding removal of the uterus called cesarean hysterectomy.
And for the foetus, because of restricted space in the womb, there will be intrauterine growth retardation which can sometimes lead to intrauterine death of the foetus.
All these complications had been explained to Subha by her doctor and Subha called her sister Sirisha garu who was in Visakhapatnam in India and narrated the whole story. Sirisha explained the complications which her sister could possibly go through to Guru Mata Pujya sri Aathmanandamayi Mataji and prayed for her help.
Ultrasound reports of Subha were sent to me for second opinion. I had to go with the opinion of the US doctors.
Later, one fine day Subha landed in India with a cute healthy baby. For few seconds i was taken aback but quickly understood that a miracle has happened. And a greater shock she give me was when she said that she had a full term normal uneventful pregnancy and a safe normal delivery. On hearing this, as an obstetrician myself, I had no words to praise our Guru Mata, the pratyaksha para brahma, her holiness Pujya Shri Aathmanandamayi Mataji. This is just not impossible but the rarest of impossibles which has happened to subha garu.
Septate uterus going in for an uneventful full term pregnancy and landing up in an effortless normal safe delivery with cute healthy baby is definitely a miracle. It could only be possible with the blessings of our Guru Mata.
Later subha also narrated that she carried a small photo of our Gurus when she was going to hospital for delivery. She pleaded the team of her obstrecians to allow her to carry the Gurus photo along with her. The staff were kind enough to agree to her request. Subha was holding on to our Gurus photo through out her delivery time. Miraculously she had a normal delivery with a healthy female baby. Later the team of doctors told subha not to forget bringing her Gurus photo whenever she was there. It is not just they, but any doctor attending on Subha would have definitely accepted the miraculous powers of our Guru Mata Pujya sri Aathmanandamayi Mataji, who is none other than pratyaksha para brahma.
With all the surrenderence to the Holy Feet of Shri Aathmanandamayi Mataji, I bow at the feet of our beloved Guru Mata. Om sri gurubhyo namaha
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