Sushumna Kriya Yoga Process
The manifestation of God, Parama Gurus Sri Sri Sri Bhoga Siddar, Sri Sri Sri Mahavatar Babaji and Pujyasri Aathmanandamayi Maathaji wishing the entire world Eternal Peace and Happiness, gifted the unique form of Sushumna Kriya Yoga. The Gurus revealed that, through the regular practice of Sushumna Kriya Yoga one can attain (Moksha) enlightenment and eternal bliss irrespective of ones life style.
There are 4 essential & easy steps to practice Sushumna Kriya Yoga. Before proceeding further please select the suitable “length of time for meditation” according to the each age group in the table given below.
- 1. Below 10 years 7 minutes
- 2. 10 – 15 years 14 minutes
- 3. 15 – 21 years 21 minutes
- 4. Above 21 years 49 minutes
1. Yoga Mudra or 'Sri Chakra' Mudra
For yog mudra the index fingers and thumbs should be kept together with the index fingers pointing outwards from the body and the thumbs pointing inwards towards the body. The little, ring and middle fingers should be interlocked.
When we Meditate the interlocking of the three fingers ensures the balancing of the left and the right parts of our brain and body. By placing the thumbs and index fingers together we enhance the flow of more prana or Divine energy into our system. When the index fingers are kept together the Ida and Pingala Nadis are activated and when the thumbs are together the Sushumna Nadi is activated. The Mudra creates a Sri Chakra and abundant cosmic energy is drawn into the System.
Hence, when we Meditate in this Yoga Mudra, enhanced divine energy flows into our system and spreads evenly towards the left and right side of the brain which then rechannelizes this energy throughout the body bringing greater concentration, alertness and serenity.
2. Chant AUM (Primordial sound)
Now you must start chanting AUM softly and rhythmically, and chant it 21 times. Omkara (Aum) is the confluence of Ah, Uh and Ma. When we utter Ah the energy vibrations intensify and activate the Mooladhara, Swadhishthana and Manipura Chakras. In uttering Uh the energy vibrations activate the Anahata Chakra and when Ma is uttered the Vishuddhi, Ajna and Sahasrara Chakras get activated.
Hence when Omkara (Aum) the vibrational energy that fills the entire Cosmos is chanted, the divine energy / life force flows down and activates all the seven Chakras and turns our mind inwards (Antarmukham). Focus on your own chanting and enjoy the vibrations. Stop chanting AUM after 21 times.
3. Deep & Long Breaths
Take Deep long breaths 14 times.
When we breathe in, we should do so with feeling (bhava) that we are inhaling good health and virtuous qualities and when we breathe out, we should feel that we are exhaling bad health and negative qualities.
When we do this, we gain great concentration and a thoughtless state quickly. When we are in a worried or disturbed state, the practice of slow and deep breathing helps in calming down our anxiety and be in a thoughtless state.
4. Focus on the 'Ajna Chakra' or 'Third Eye' Region
Now gently bring your focus on to the third eye region (the Ajna chakra), the point between your eyebrows. While doing so, keep your face relaxed. Do not apply any sort of pressure on the forehead as this might cause headache. Keep your mind clear, do not chant any Mantra mentally/outwardly or visualize any form of Gods/ Masters during this 7/14/21/49 minutes of meditation. Maintain absolute silence throughout your meditation.
During this Inward state all our life force which normally flows outward through our thoughts and sensory organs will start to flow inwards into our body and mind. In such a state divine energy flows through our 72000 Nadis, cleansing, energizing and activating the entire body. During Meditation, the divine energy will encircle us and take us to a blissful state. Some may achieve this state immediately, others may take days, and some may take months or even years depending on one’s intensity, past Karmas and Spiritual elevation.
5. Completing Meditation
Release the Yoga Mudra after you complete your 7/14/21/49 minutes session. Gently bring both the palms to touch eyes/face and keep them there for a 5-6 seconds.
Slowly flutter open your eyes inside the closed palms, look into the palms with half opened eyes and slowly take the palms away & open your eyes fully with a gentle & pleasant smile.

Code of Conduct for Sushumna Kriya Yogis
In addition to the regular practice of Sushumna Kriya Yoga Meditation, one should follow a moral code of conduct and introspect on our day-to-day life for at least 10 minutes every day.
It is essential to note down our experiences during meditation. After introspection, we should recognize and eliminate all unnecessary thoughts, deeds, wastage of time, and negative emotions.
Similarly, we should be aware of our virtues, positive attitudes, and emotions. Over time, we can gain a thorough understanding of all our virtues, both good and bad, weaknesses, and shortcomings. Consequently, we can reform by developing our positive qualities and strengths while gradually working to change negative emotions and qualities. This process aids in judging others, contributing to a better society.
Practicing meditation does not mean neglecting one’s career, family, friends, and social responsibilities; in the Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna advocates a balanced middle path. As Kriya Yogis, we should remember 3 essential aspects:
- 1. Purity: Kriya Yogis should maintain purity in their physical, mental, and emotional aspects.
- 2. Patience: During meditation, one may encounter a lack of experiences or face various hindrances that impede concentration. Patience is crucial for progressing and attaining spiritual growth.
- 3. Determination: Regardless of our emotional states, be it happiness, sadness, health, or sickness, it is imperative to commit to the regular practice of Sushumna Kriya Yoga Meditation without any interruption, ensuring consistency even on challenging days.
Important Do's & Don'ts
- 1. Do not open the eyes OR break yoga mudra till the end of the stipulated meditation session.
- 2. Set an alarm for 7/14/21/49 minutes before starting your meditation session.
- 3. 7/14/21/49 minutes includes Chanting of ‘AUM’, Deep Long Breaths and Focus at the Third Eye Region.
- 4. Chanting of ‘AUM’, deep long breaths and focus at third eye region will help you to cut down your thoughts and help in attaining a thoughtless state.
- 5. The first 49 days is crucial. It will establish the channelling/contact to & with the Gurus/Masters. Once begun, you should practice this meditation throughout life .
- 6. It is best to Meditate in the Brahma Muhurta between 3 AM to 6 AM. Those who are unable to do so can Meditate at any time suitable and convenient time.
- 7. It is always good to have a glass of water either before or after meditation in order to decrease the body heat and stabilize the body temperature.
- 8. In case we meditate just before sleeping a deep yogic sleep is achieved.
- 9. Meditation practiced jointly (group meditation) gives more Cosmic energy then when meditation is practiced alone.