On Dec 18th, 2004, Lataji travelled from Kothapeta to Kakinada to meet Gurumatha Pujyasri Aathmanandamayi Ammagaru for the first time and was fortunate enough to meditate in front of Gurumatha. Lataji was suffering with dust & pollution allergy from year 1987. Lataji recollects that the following day, she had a very comfortable return journey with no signs of allergy.
After relocating to Mumbai in 1987, Lataji had her first attack of Acute Bronchial asthma. Thereafter she has experienced frequent attacks necessitating hospitalization for intravenous Aminophylline injections almost once or twice a month. She was put on oral inhalers and Deriphylline tablets. Dust and Pollution triggered acute attacks. In 1992, she travelled all the way to Ahmedabad for Homeopathy treatment, which gave her partial relief, reducing hospital visits to once in every 6 months. Despite of that she always used to keep her inhaler handy for emergencies.
In year 2005, on the day of Vijayadashami, Lataji started practicing Sushumna kriya yoga meditation. It was in February 2006, she was given the opportunity for the first time to be the anchor on stage for a Sushumna Kriyayoga public class at Kakinada. Because of her health condition, she was worried and was doubtful of handling the task affectively as she might be prone to breathlessness and cough, when anchoring on stage for an extended period of time. Yet earnestly praying for help, with inhaler in hand and a bottle of water by her side, she started her maiden job with faith in gurus. Surprisingly, throughout the entire duration of the class which went for more than three hours, she experienced no distress and zero discomfort. From that very day, Lataji recollects with all Gratitude that her use of inhalers gradually reduced, and in the following 18 months to 2 years, the need for hospitalization ended completely.
For the last 10 or more years she has been free from all allergic reactions, stopped all types of medications and is leading a healthy blissful life. Pranams to the holy feet of our beloved Gurumatha Pujyasri Aathmanandamayi Mathaji.
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