Registrations are closed for 30-May, we will update here for future trainings.
Author: admin
Our revered prostrations to our Guru’s! On the occasion of Earth day this year – April 22,2020, let us take a moment to reflect and understand the significance of this day and own up to our responsibilities on to our Mother Earth. Man is a social animal and we live in a society, which in turn is established and dependent on an ecosystem. As we live through, we exploit our ecosystem. In the name of progress, industrialization and economic growth we exploit our land, water, air and bio-sphere resources. We get most of our energy, food, water, all kinds of…
Om Sushumna, Divya Babaji Sushumna Kriya Yoga Foundation is conducting virtual group meditation due to lockdown and Covid-19 effect. Foundation is using Microsoft Teams application for virtual group meditations. Please follow the instruction below to join the meeting (Mobile or computer) Instructions connecting from Mobile Step 1: Download Microsoft Teams from store Google Play Store: Apple Store: Step 2: Go to the link – Virtual Group meditation and click on join session Step 3: Link will be opened in Teams application, click on Join as guest and enter your full name Step 4: Please wait until Administrator let you into the…
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