Sandhya residing at simhachalam of vishakhapatam District was very frequently experiencing severe headache. In 2012 on one day she fell down and was unable to get up. She had numbness and paralysis of right hand and leg.
She was unable to recognise anyone and had difficulty in speaking. She was immediately rushed to a hospital in Visakhapatnam, where she was treated for 23 days in neurology ICU but without much improvement. She was then advised to be taken to NIMHANS, Bangalore, a prestigious neurosciences centre and one of its kind in India.
A brain angiogram was done and was diagnosed to have arteriovenous malformation in left parietal part of the brain. Arteriovenous malformation is a tangle of abnormal blood vessels connecting arteries and veins in the brain. It is see in less than 1% of the total population. Mostly they present as cerebral hemorrhage i.e., bleeding in the brain. Few of them also have non-hemorrhage presentation. The non hemorrhagic cases usually present with severe headache in one area of the head, they would also have seizures, muscle weakness and paralysis of one side of the body. They may also present with loss of vision,confusion,inability to understand, improper articulation and understanding. More dreaded complication of AVM brain is the intracerebral hemorrhage which can be life threatening.
The nonhemorrhagic avms are due to brain tissue damage arising from disruption of vital circulatory process.
Case of Sandhya was a non hemorrhagic arteriovenous malformation. Intially, doctors at NIMHANS, put her on medical treatment and adviced her to come back after 3 months. In 2013 they planned a very advanced gamma knife radiation surgery. After surgery she was put on medicines and was advised to continue the medicines for her lifetime and had to come back on quarterly checkup i.e., check up every three months. Three years passed by, and by 2016 there was not much of an improvement in health of Sandhya yet.
Later one of her yoga teacher introduced her to sushumna kriya yoga meditation. The yoga teacher gave her the pamphlet and address of a dhayna Mandir and advised her to attend sushumna kriya yoga sessions.
On the first day she was neither able to communicate properly to the volunteers at dhayana Mandir nor was she able to follow the procedure of the sadhana which the volunteers explained.
But she came back the second day and though the volunteers could not understand her, somehow they could manage to make her sit into Sadhana with hands in Yoga Mudra. During that session, Sirisha, one of the volunteers at dhayana Mandir had a clear vision of parama guru Sri Bhoganāthar siddhar, massaging a white coloured oil on the head of Sandhya Garu and curing her of the problem. At end of the session sirisha conveyed this to Sandhya and adviced her to continue the sadhana regularly and with full belief. Sandhya with all belief and surrenderence continued her sadhana daily for 8 months at Jain Mandir.
That vision came true as there was quick recovery in Sandhya within 6 months to the suprise of NIMHANS doctors. Sandhya recovered very well and the doctor said to enquire of what gave her such astonishing result. Learning of the system of sushumna kriya yoga Sadhana which Sandhya was practicing, the doctors encouraged her to continue the Sadhana as it was giving her tremendous results. At her next quarterly checkup Doctors declared her to be totally fit and discontinued all the medications.
Now she leads a healthy normal life, able to articulate to perfection and is actively taking part in all DIVYABABAJI SUSHUMNA KRIYAYOGA Foundation services.
A young lady who initially had no guarantee of life, had no great improvement even after 3 years of an advanced surgery at prestigious Medical centre and was put on medication for a lifetime, having an unbelievable total recovery within 6 months of SUSHUMNA KRIYAYOGA Sadhana speaks volumes of great healing powers of Gurus and the concern, the affection, the love and blessings of our parama gurus to all our disciples.
om sri gurubhyo namaha
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